Text Links for Better SEO
Text Links for Better SEO
Blog Article
Let’s talk a little more about using Text Links for better SEO placement becuase it’s a very relevant tool that you have at your disposal and something that you should consider exploring.
Working with text links to help with your SEO rankings is going to involve a good solid chunk of time. So, don’t think that this is an easy solution because it’s not, but it is solid … at least it is for now. Here’s some search term improvement techniques for you to take into account:
1. Link Exchanges
Used to be everyone was exchanging links with anyone else who give them a link. Then Google danced and bamm … doing that will get you lower placement. So, you have to be smart and ONLY exchange links with other domains that are relevant to your site’s topics. Do that and you will see your domain move up the ranks.
2. Billboards
This is something kind of new and is working for now until Google bans the companies offering this service. I’d say use it while it works my friend!
Sites using Billboards are noticing significant rank increases. One site recorded the following…
Over the last 3 months, we have added about 20 unique billboards … We did about 2 per week, and every week we would see position moves of 1 – 2 positions. This is an extremely effective tool because it gives you relevant backlink content on different IP’s. Take the time to write good article/news stories and plug your company or product. This technique will pay off. Don’t believe me? pick an obscure term without competition, and put up 2 – 5 billboards using the term as anchor text through-out your BB’s and you will see position moves within 4 weeks.
The use of Billboards is currently a very good way to get your website relevant positioning in a shorter period of time and you can do so for reasonable fees. You only need to pay for Billboard space on another’s IP for 30 days, by then the search engine will have found you. Make sure the IP is spidered by all the major search engines regularly. After 30 days, you can remove your page and go on to the next IP. Keep doing this and you will build a repository of text rich backlinks to your own domain. Very yummy search engine food!
3. Text Link Advertising
Text link ads are very affordable for those not wanting to dedicate all the time it takes to getting relevant backlinks. Okay, here’s what I think is the best strategy with regards to buying text links. Most likely that PR8 website isn’t going to get you any higher placement than the PR4-PR6 will. That’s my opinion, others will disagree. My own testing is showing Google really doesn’t pay much attention to their own PR system … who knew?!
So, buy links that are PR4-6 and don’t pay over $25 for them … unless of course they happen to be mine … lol. Here again, I’d recommend you use Linkworth and use their set of tools to determine the worth of any link you might be considering … those tools will even help you with domains that aren’t in the Linkworth repository … hint, hint!
These types of one-way links will really help your placement. If you can get one-way links from other sources for free, go for it and make sure they have better PR than you do!
4. Content Development
Well now here’s a novel idea, the more content you ad to your website, then better your rankings will be … and go one step further, you must do so on a consistant basis … like every two weeks ad a new page.
Ad pages with 250-500 words of relevant content and relevant links.
And, this is really important … make sure all your webpages have different content by at least 40%. Google is so smart it actually knows if you’ve got the same page up on the domain … and it knows if you’ve got the same domain mirrored on other domains. You have to do the work!
5. Menu Structure
Make sure the search engines can easily spider every page on your website. I prefer to hard code all my links … including the domain name info. Taking short-cuts only hurts you.
Make sure you use keywords in your menu links and make sure the search engines can easily follow your links from the top level to the second their third levels.
6. Website SEO
Use the H1, H2 tages and relevant keywords through out the site. Keep keyword density around 2-5% … going over will cause you to drop in the ranks. I speak from experience on that one.
7. Schedule Regular Updates
Like I said, you must consistently add new content to your website to keep the search engines well feed and happy. You must get down and dirty and do this part, if you don’t … those purchased 남자레플 links aren’t going to help you get all the way there.
8. Hurry Up and Wait
It takes time to make all these things happen and with each step you have to sit back and see what result it had, if good then you step again. It’s like a chess game … really think about your next move and you can get to the top.
And while you’re waiting, put up a page that offers your viewers text links and graphical links back to your website … create a “link to us” page. It’s free! And, if your website is interesting, you’d be surprised how many people will link to you as a result.
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